Have you received a letter or email with a reference code?
Please follow the steps on this website to verify your identity.
What is Validentity?
Validentity is a pioneering verification tool that uses a blend of emerging technologies to perform an identity check.
The verification tool works with data taken from a photograph (selfie) submitted by the user, and a photo of an identity document such as a passport or driving license.
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Information Security
Achieving the ISO 27001 accreditation in 2017 was an important benchmark for The Tracing Group (the company that delivers Validentity) as it confirms that all internal systems reflect this high standard and that clients can trust The Tracing Group’s practices.

Financial Services Qualification System
FSQS is a community of financial institutions including banks, building societies, insurance companies and investment services, collaborating to agree a single standard for collecting the increasing amount of complex third party information needed to demonstrate compliance to regulators, internal policies and governance controls.

Penetration Testing
The Tracing Group (the company that delivers Validentity) are proud to be penetration tested by CREST and CHECK approved DigitialXRAID. DigitalXRAID are a full service cyber security specialist with every employee being accredited to the highest standard to ensure technical excellence.
We understand that you might have some questions to ask
Please read our FAQ section for further information about Validentity.